The customer service blog

Gain insights on delivering outstanding customer service, advancing your support career, leading a support team, and learn all there is to know about building SaaS.

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Customer segments

Mastering customer segments: Strategies to boost your ROI

Learn how to use customer segmentation to your advantage in your marketing and sales efforts.
SaaS positioning statements

How we crafted our SaaS positioning statement & 10 examples for inspiration

Lacking inspiration in crafting a compelling SaaS positioning statement? We've been there. Get some ideas from our latest blog.
ChatGPT prompts for business

100+ useful ChatGPT prompts for business, marketing, sales & collaboration

A collection of 100+ tried-and-tested ChatGPT prompts for small business, marketing, sales, collaboration, and more.

A guide to product adoption: How to measure, quantify, and improve it

Measuring and improving the product adoption rate is vital for the success and sustainability of your business. Let's explore the best practices for improving it. 

10 Best customer service books to read in 2023

While many companies invest heavily in extensive employee training programs to boost their customer service skills, a cost-effective alternative is equally effective: reading books on the subject.
voice of the customer -featured

What is the voice of the customer and how to build a VOC program

This article explores the benefits of developing a voice of the customer (VOC) program and shares a step-by-step guide on capturing relevant customer feedback.

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